roger smith nyc reading of mwb1

Here is Gil, receiving the gift, with Mike CannellThe first reading/signing of the recently launched My World Book 1 was warmly received in the Big Apple, the site of the narrative’s start and where its first drafts were written.

Earthdog Press and the arts boutique hotel, The Roger Smith, hosted the event in Lily’s Backroom. Turnout doubled from the author’s last event there, for a reading of Borderlands USA, several years ago.

Michael Cannell, author of Incendiary and former editor at the New York Times, kindly introduced Ben.  (Thanks to Sue Helms, Amy Appleton, and Michael Cannell for the images.)  [please hover over images for captions]

About ben

Ben Batchelder has traveled some of the world's most remote roads. Nothing in his background, from a degree in Visual & Environmental Studies at Harvard to an MBA from Wharton, adequately prepared him for the experiences. Yet he persists, for through such journeys life unfolds. Having published four books that map the inner and exterior geographies of meaningful travel, he is a mountain man in Minas Gerais, Brazil who comes down to the sea at Miami Beach, Florida. His second travel yarn, To Belém & Back, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly. For more, visit

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