pa 78 work in progress show 5

Two terrific student volunteers (“rising Seniors”) Sara and Katrina were essential in mounting the exhibition, which was only completed ten minutes prior to Friday evening’s receptionAn interactive art intervention in Andover, Mass. was a success over the weekend, drawing over fifty people.

Eighty-three 11×14 B&W images taken during the mid-70s were shown. In accordance with their “analog” processing (no digital interference or manipulation whatsoever), commenting was encouraged via post-its – an analog version of social media commenting, with little risk of viral attacks or doxxing.

They show Phillips Academy at a time of transition from an all-boys school to co-education, just after the merger of PA and Abbott. They also evidence a progression from the innocence of sophomore to a more decadent senior year.

The images – captured full-frame by a Nikon FM given to the photographer at age 15 – were taken from ages 15 to 17. The negatives from 100 rolls of Tri-X were only discovered a handful of years ago. After contact sheets were made, images with potential were enlarged to 3x4s; of those, a subset were blown up to 11x14s in a traditional darkroom in Brazil.

[please hover over images for captions]

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About ben

Ben Batchelder has traveled some of the world's most remote roads. Nothing in his background, from a degree in Visual & Environmental Studies at Harvard to an MBA from Wharton, adequately prepared him for the experiences. Yet he persists, for through such journeys life unfolds. Having published four books that map the inner and exterior geographies of meaningful travel, he is a mountain man in Minas Gerais, Brazil who comes down to the sea at Miami Beach, Florida. His second travel yarn, To Belém & Back, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly. For more, visit

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